Laughter is the best medicine

*Hey Lover
Hello there, My friends are all awesome dude! Hence my name is Ain. Going to be 15 this 2013. Was born on 22nd October. I'm proud of being Malaysian and don't you dare say something bad to my wonderful country. I'm a song lover and that's a fact Get to know me first before you judge me okay? Thanks for understanding me. I don't have Precious thing but i Do have precious PERSON in my life. Sometimes i'll be crazy, sometimes i'll be naughty, But i'll always be kind to someone who always put a sweet smile on my face. I hate to be judged by people, even YOU right? Make me as your friend okay? And last, do follow me and i'll hit you back :D

I always be happy because they are beside me

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

♥ My Awsome Family ♥ Aisyah Nur Syifaa ♥ Nurul Farah Hanim ♥ Aina Husna ♥ Mira Syahirah ♥ Zima Ahmad ♥ Syafika ♥ Asyraf ♥ Fatihah Yusof ♥ Sharifah Nurul Ashikin ♥ Ikhwan ♥ Fatin Liyana ♥ People around me ♥ Template by Elle @
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“I cure my broken heart with my lovely smile”

Sunday, 5 May 2013 || 12:51 pm

Hi peoples! Assalamualaikum ^^v 

It had been a very long time I din't update this stuff. What a mess and well, HELLO there! I've been busied myself with studies, paper work, sports, school society and of course my social networks. hahahha. From now on, I have to be more serious. PMR is coming soon and mid-year-exam is around the corner. I haven't revise any of the lessons. I know I'm lazy enough. Actually, it's so hard to throw away our bad habits. It might takes couple of months and it also might takes many years. Nah forget about it. 

I wish I was intelligent and genius enough. So that I could pass all my examination without study. I know it's possible. But if you want something, you MUST do something, right? So I think this is the right time for me to be more positive and religious. I'd play too much. I'd sigh too much. And yes, I'm lazy. But in the same time, I feel I don't have time for all those things, but the reality is, I have! Sometimes I feel school is such a boring place. But the fact is, school is the best place ever. A place where you made new friends. A place where you learned new things. A place where you met different types of people. A place where you can be crazy all the time. A place where you made up your ambitions, desires, and something special.

I hope one day, my wishes and dreams becomes true...........